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Dec 14, 2010

Artículos sobre genética de Jatropha curcas mesoamericana

Genetic Variation in Mexican Jatropha curcas L. Estimated with Seed Oil Fatty Acids 
I.Ovando-Medina, F. Espinosa-García, J. Núñez-Farfán and Miguel Salvador-Figueroa
Journal of Oleo Science 60 (No. 7, 2011) In press.

Map showing the sites of collection of Jatropha curcas evaluated in their composition of oil from Southern Mexico and from Guatemala, and the two main genetic barriers (lines “a” and “b” in yellow) found by the algorithm of Monmonier (Barrier vers. 2.2), as based on Fisher distances of fatty acid composition of the seed.
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Anonymous said...


Isidro Ovando said...

Hello, who are you?